Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Double page spread analysis

The double page spread from NME magazine, and in this double page article it is featuring "The Teenagers". The title of the article allows the reader to understand who the article is based on straight away as it gives the bands name. 
Also there is a very bold image of the band, which easily gives it away as well. The image on the left takes up a whole section. The image of the band attracts the readers sight straight away has the band have direct contact with reader. The shot of the band is a high angle shot, giving the audience  full shot of them. Through the relaxed mood, it shows that this article is mainly aimed towards teenagers, as shown through there clothing, as they are dressed casually, and the idea of a bed shows typical teenage behavior as they are known to be lazy. From the images on the wall it is seen to be appealing to young teenage boys as there is posters on the wall, attracting boys. 
Within the corner of the image there is a box which is bold and blue, as seen the important information of the article are bold and in surrounded by blue background, as "RADER" "Need to know" and the title are stated in a blue box with black writing and is bold attracting the readers eye straight away. The style of certain points on the magazine relate to teenagers such as the "need to know" box its a notepad style showing its meant to attract teenage readers. The style of font used within the article is simple, targeting its target audience. There is a also a quote from the band, which is also a main attraction of the magazine as shown by the blue background. The quote mentioned by the band, also relates to teenagers. At the bottom of the page, within the middle there is also some information on the magazine and the web address, this stands out as it is red and there is only that section that is is red, this box allows if they wish to gain more information about the magazine and other articles.
On the right hand side of the page there is the article about the band and also "Everyone's talking about" Having to types of ideas on one side, attracting many different readers, wanting the readers to read on through the rest of the magazine. As the other part of the right has information about other bands. Having images on some bands, makes it easier for the readers, allowing th magazine to look more professional, not is is this what makes it look more professional the  limited amount of colors also allows the magazine to look more professional, colors used are black, blue and white. 

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