Sunday, 30 January 2011

Analysis cover 3

Blender magazine magazine which focuses on a variety of genres, in this cover it is representing pop as well as hip hop as it shows on the front cover, “POP’S BI-CURIOUS BABE” The magazine name is the most effective view upon the front cover due to it being very bold.
Once again this cover suggests simplicity, through the calm white background, as well as the sub headings not being so bold and effective. Pink is a stereotypical colour for girls showing that the audience of this cover is mainly females, around the age of 16-25. From the heading "free downloads!" it also shows that the audience they are trying to attract are younger audiences, as the younger generation tend to consume music through downloads.
 There is a limited amount of colors used, black, pink and white. Having a limited amount of colors has a better effect upon the readers as well as the magazine, due to it looking more professional, as well as it being clear for the readers.
Due to the lack of colours the cover yet has a lot of attention drawn towards it due to the emphasis of the heading through capital letters. Attracting its audience, and easily getting a glance of what the magazine holds.
The main image on the front cover is of Katy Perry, pop icon. Through mise-en-scene we can see that the way in which Katy Perry is dressed is how pop icons as well as hip hop, tend to dress. From the clothing it also may attract male, as the way she is dressed is reveling attracting male readers wanting to read on, due to her look. From the cover we are also able to see the different topics involved within the magazine as well various artists such as T-Pain and there view upon things, allowing this to be way in which Blender is able to attract there consumers. The cover also shows that it has various different songs within the magazine which consumers may enjoy, gaining more audiences.
The cover of this music magazine is very simple despite it having a limited amount of information about the inside of the magazine, it is yet very bold and eye catching, due the main image of Katy Perry having direct eye contact with the audience. The scheme of using less colours works well as well, it having less happening on the cover allows the audience to understand what will be held within the magazine in more clear view. 

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